I-JEPA: Image-based Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture

Self-Supervised Learning from Images with a Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture by Mahmoud Assran et al.

Image-based Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture (I-JEPA) is a simple and efficient method for learning semantic image representations without relying on hand-crafted data augmentations. By predicting in representation space, I-JEPA converges faster than pixel reconstruction methods and learns representations of a high semantic level.

The idea behind I-JEPA is to predict missing information in an abstract representation space and pair it with a mult-block masking strategy.



  • Overall objective: Given a context block, predict the representations of various target blocks in the same image.

  • Targets: Obtained by converting an input image into a sequence of non-overlapping patches which are encoded into patch-level representations. These representations are then randomly sampled to give target blocks.

  • Context: A block is randomly sampled from the image and any overlapping regions with target blocks are removed. This context block is encoded to give a patch-level representation of context.

  • Prediction: Given the output of the context encoder (patch-level representation of context), the target block representations are predicted. The predictor takes the patch-level representation of context and mask tokens for each patch to be predicted as input and returns the predicted patch-level representations.

  • Loss: The L2 distance between the predicted patch-level representations and target patch-level representations is used as the loss.

  • Optimizer: The parameters of the predictor and context-encoder are learned through gradient-based optimization while the parameters of the target-encoder are updated via an exponential moving average of the context-encoder parameters.


  • I-JEPA learns strong off-the-shelf representations without the use of hand-crafted view augmentations.

  • I-JEPA is competitive with view-invariant pretraining approaches on semantic tasks and achieves better performance on low-level vision tasks. By using a simpler model with less rigid inductive bias, I-JEPA applies to a wider set of tasks.

  • I-JEPA is scalable and efficient. Predicting in representation space significantly reduces the total computation needed for self-supervised pretraining.

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